MTM Price Chart
Click HERE to understand MTM vs Bespoke
CMT,AAA,AA,AA,B,BB,C,D,...J,JJ - Refer to fabric choices in books shown to your by Clothier.
Semi-Bespoke & Bespoke Price Chart
Transparency is our mission
In fashion we often pay not only for the quality and construction of the garment, but whom makes it. This can be the artistic vision of the creative director or simply the brand label in which you identify with. This can often inflate or deflate the perceived value (and monetary) of the product.
We have chosen a slightly different approach in our MTM & Bespoke department. We have created a simple price chart with the features you will received based on the varying prices. These are broken into two charts. One chart will be for our MTM line produced in China by Dayang Group (the same place Warren Buffet gets his suits made). These will be made with our signature Sallstroms' style cut and all finishings and QA to our standard.
Our second chart is for our Bespoke Garments, which will be made in Montreal, Canada.